Part of the Problem

From Pastor Keith Stewart from Springcreek Church in Garland, Tx.

No one is perfect. No one lives sin-free. You blow it. I blow it. And the church does, too… The truth is, an apology from the church should not “stand out.” It should not make the community sit up and take notice. But it does, precisely because that the church rarely does what it tells others to do.

…The church in America has a serious credibility problem. Those outside the church look at us and often don’t see anything that even remotely resembles Jesus. Instead they see judgment, hypocrisy, and very little compassion. They hear our words, but don’t see a lifestyle that aligns with those words.

The only way the community will ever believe our words is if our behavior backs it up. With the help of God, we want to become a community of believers that lives out its creed.

With this public apology, our foremost desire is to take responsibility for how we have failed in this area, because with 100% responsibility for our attitudes and behaviors comes 100% forgiveness. And secondly, in keeping with the spirit of repentance, our desire is to keep our eyes on Jesus and allow Him to keep us focused on His mission.

Sounds like perhaps now they can be part of the solution.

7 Responses to “Part of the Problem”

  1. The sign outside our church reads: Faith Baptist Church / Real people / Real faith. Our Pastor reminds us of it quite often. I hope, if we take a wrong turn, we can be as humble as this church seems to be.

  2. This is a reason why I personally believe the institutional church is flawed. The church needs to be defined biblically and not used as a building.

    We are the church! Get out of the pew or the theatre seat and love up on someone.


  3. Shawn – Being humble…that is often overlooked in churches.

    Brian – Defined biblically – not culturally – is key. “Love up,” you might want to copyright that one.

  4. I went to the site. What is he apologizing for?

  5. I thought the same thing.

    In general, I believe he is apologizing that he believes his church has not modeled the behavior of Jesus and that their words have not been backed up by their actions.

    I wonder if we could get politicians to do the same?

  6. Show me a politician who will, and I’ll find a way to for for him/her twice! 😉

  7. I doubt anyone will hold there breath on that one. They nomally only apologize when they get caught doing something illegal.

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