Archive for October, 2007

Christianity’s Image Problem

Posted in Christianity, Culture, Politics, Religion on October 11, 2007 by Scott

christian_popular_1002.jpgDave Ferguson highlighted a recent Time article entitled Christianity’s Image Problem.

Quotes from the text:

  • In 1996, a study found that 83% of Americans identified themselves as Christians.
  • A new poll finds that 38% of people aged 16 to 29 have a “bad impression” of modern day Christianity.

 Non-Christians biggest complaints are that Christians are too anti-homosexual, too hypocritical and judgemental, and too involved in politics.

David Kinnaman, in his book Unchristian, writes that Christians must respond to these issues.  “Christian leaders should take seriously the commands to love and serve others and contribute to the common good of society.”

Is it that easy?  For some this is a balancing act – following God’s Word, but at the same time reaching others. How do we overcome these perceptions without surrendering our beliefs?

Sneak Peek

Posted in Blogs, Christianity, Politics, Religion, Video on October 10, 2007 by Scott


Here are the three best things read today…

Ruin posted the classic by 10CC, “I’m Not In Love“…great tune.

→ “I just want all of you to pray that I can be an instrument of God… I am confident that we can create a kingdom right here on Earth.” — Barack Obama…quote posted at Lolerz.

Scott Williams asked about pastors drinking in public, which reminded me of a recent happening. FA was having our blog leadership team meeting at Red Robin and we saw a local pastor. When the waitress walked off, he was checking out her butt. So the question is, is it okay to sneak a peek…even as a pastor. People watch you watch others to see if you walk it like you talk it, and it is our nature…our sin nature.

Everyone does it…men, women…everyone. Can we operate above reproach? Is it fair to watch the witness of pastors…is this accountability?

Selling Jesus

Posted in Christianity, Discipleship, Evangelism, Faith, God, Missional, Religion on October 9, 2007 by Scott

Brand Autopsy points to Carmine Gallo’s book entitled Fire Them Up in which Gallo provides advice for delivering a more effective presentation.

A Client asks, “How Can I be more like Steve Jobs in my next presentation?”

“It’s simple,” Gallo reponds. “Tell your listeners why you’re excited about your product, share a vivid vision of the future that your product makes possible, and be specific about how your product will help them succeed in business.” 

Let’s reshape that quote.

How can I tell others about Christ?

Simple. Tell them why you’re excited about Christ, share a vivid vision of the future that Christ makes possible, and be specific about how Christ will help them succeed.

Porn Sunday

Posted in Christianity, Culture, God, Religion, Video on October 8, 2007 by Scott

This past Sunday was National Porn Sunday headed up by These guys do a great job of drawing attention to some deterioration of our church that has been prevalent for a long time. We also highly recommend their accountability software X3Watch. As a user of it, we can attest to its benefits. If you know someone is looking, you are less likely to do something stupid…well, someone other than God.

If you don’t want someone looking…have you asked yourself why?

As we listened this weekend and read some commentaries/posts online, we realized that many of people’s problems with porn had nothing to do with God’s perspective but with our own internalization. It almost seemed that porn was like those home remodeling shows. One side tells you how it easy it is and the other side wants you to believe its a huge undertaking. Likewise, porn removes all the apparent restrictions from sex, so some see it is as meaningless as a handshake and others want there to be barriers, so it will be perceived as act of service.

We really need to grasp this concept of projecting our own selfishness into sin to make it all the worse or all the less. It is what it is…what God says it is…and the damages are far reaching, as it is for most sin. Because that sin is wrapped around something God intended for good; it perverted something God meant for holiness, and we need to strip away our individual limitations and see it for what it is.

This is not to minimize the devastation of porn and those who have a passion to combat this sin or any other that has the potential of victimizing the innocent, but seeing the sin through the boundaries of scripture may allow us to not overlook the sinner.

So…what are the biggest issues with porn, both societal and biblical? What are your issues with porn?

The Ultimate Protection

Posted in Christian Music, Christianity, Faith, God, Religion, Video on October 5, 2007 by Scott

Ran across this video featuring the song “Everything” from Lifehouse.  The end is great.

Our favorite lyrics from the song… 

You calm the storms, You give me rest
You hold me in your hands, You won’t let me fall
You steal my heart, And you take my breath away
Would you take me in, Would you take me deeper now

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

5 Rational Thoughts Against Christianity

Posted in Atheism, Christianity, Culture, God on October 4, 2007 by Scott

Every Christian needs to be aware of the rational arguments that oppose Christianity…that is what defines faith…being certain of what you do not see. Examining them, investigating them, and thinking critically can lead you to discover that something beyond emotion needs to lead you in what you believe.

Here are five rationalizations Christians need to face…

  1. You believe in a god that was born of a virgin, in the body of a man, impregnated by a spirit, even though sex outside of marriage is a sin.
  2. You believe in stories handed down and written down by men who you believe are born sinful, and the stories are without error.
  3. You believe in a god that you cannot see, cannot touch and cannot hear.
  4. You believe in god who says murder is sin but who by your own holy book, murdered children and innocent people.
  5. You believe in a man that was murdered but that came back to life, and he is your god.

These types of rationalizations by the world should push us to discover why we believe what we believe, and not let people who do not believe in Christianity be more knowledgeable of our faith than we are and read the bible more than we do.

Turning the World Upside-Down

Posted in Christianity, Culture, Marriage, Religion on October 3, 2007 by Scott

Not too long ago, posted billboards in various cities as part of their Satan Hates Life campaign.  Some billboard companies refused to allow the boards (including in Las Vegas) claiming they “crossed the line.”  


One man who was outraged by the billboards said, “Satan has nothing to do with God or church.” He’s going to love this one.


This billboard, located in Hollywood, is from the Ashley Madison Agency, whose slogan is “When monogamy becomes monotony.” The company “connects” people in a relationship with others in a relationship. (more here)

Sure, its Hollywood… but what kind of upside-down world do we live in when a tongue-in-cheek church billboard “crosses the line,” but promoting extra-martial affairs does not?

Gaining Perspective

Posted in Faith, God, Prayer, War on October 2, 2007 by Scott

We often lose our perspective and develop the “poor me” attitude and then believe we do it so much better. That really leads us into taking aspects of, or blessings in our lives for granted…job, marriage, relationships, church.

Our pride can be so devastating…it urges us to quit…what are your pressure points at work, at home, and spiritually right now?

We hope this helps…


1 Corinthians 7:24

Pslam 19:12-14

Church of Burger King

Posted in Christianity, Church, Faith, Religion on October 1, 2007 by Scott

Remember this song?

Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don’t upset us, all we ask is that you let us serve it your way… Have it your way.

Ever felt like that in your relationship with God. Instead of God’s way, I’d rather have it my way.

“I’ll have financial prosperity, but hold the sickness, heartache, and that whole go into all the world thing.” How about, “I’ll take fame and fortune, but hold the hard work, serving others and giving.  A side order of living within God’s will? No thanks.”

There is only one “way.” In what ways are you asking God to have it your way instead of his?